
Thursday, November 29, 2012

'Redorik' Preview!

I know we promised a chat with Redorik artist Pedro Maia this week, but he's run into a busy stretch with one of his other projects. We still wanted to feature his work though, so we've decided to preview the first six pages of Redorik! How cool is that? By now you're familiar with the cover for the series, so let's just jump into the meat and potatoes of the book!

Looking back at the first issue, I still really enjoy the first two pages. There's something about the freedom and fluidity of Pedro's work that's really appealing to me, and the way it's finished is masterfully done.

As for the preview itself, we're first introduced to Justin through a conversation with his best friend, Al. The first two pages feature Justin recounting his recent nightmare to Al, who quickly brushes it off as they make their way to class. Much like any school though, Laurier High School has its share of bullies, including one in particular by the name of Mark. One of the aspects of Pedro's art that I like, and appreciate when any artist does it to be honest, is the way he alters the colouring tones to demonstrate how the panels depict a flashback sequence. It's also in this page and the one that follows it where we're introduced to another of Justin Henderson's supporting cast, his high school crush Jessica Summers. There's a lot going on in these pages, and already we've become familiar with the main characters of Redorik. The only thread left dangling is the question of what exactly is going on with those black word bubbles. That, I'm afraid, I can't tell you. I'm sure that creepy fellow on the cover is somehow involved though.

Don't forget to check out our Indiegogo campaign page to learn how you can contribute toward helping us finish the story. Thanks!


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